"Close To The Edge"
One Night Group Show
Fr/Fri, 29.11.2024, 19:00
Performances ab/from 20:30:
"Axe" Catherine Lorent, sound performance
"Blockiert" DJ Sporty Jack aka Matthias Mayer, music performance
Boris Abel, Stefan Alber, Heather Allen, Franck-Lee Alli-Tis aka V Stylianidou, Elena Alonso Fernández, Michelle Alperin, Deniz Alt, Detlef Baltrock, Gleb Bas, Jürgen Baumann, Hannah Becher, Matthias Beckmann, Thomas Behling, Antje Blumenstein, Theo Boettger, Sascha Boldt, Manuel Bonik, Gunnar Borbe, Iwona Lili Borkowska, Katja Brinkmann, Susanne Britz, Laura Bruce, Teresa Casanueva, barbara caveng, Sabatino Cersosimo, Chun-Tzu Chang, Kyung-hwa Choi-ahoi, Herbert De Colle, Ellen DeElaine, Almut Determeyer, Nanett Dietz, Nataly Dietz, Annedore Dietze, Bruno Di Lecce, Grigori Dor, Mirjam Dorsch, Stefan Draschan, Stefan Ebner, Irena Eden & Stijn Lernout, Frederik Foert, Abrie Fourie, Frauke Funkhauser, Sven-Ole Frahm, Anne Gathmann, anna onno gatjal, Christine Gedeon, Laurie Georgopoulos, Robert Gfader, Monika Goetz, Karø Goldt, Massoud Graf-Hachempour, Harriet Groß, Stephan Groß, Andreas Hachulla, Stephanie Hanna, Andrea Hartinger, Michael Hauffen, Andreas Helfer, Thomas Bo Henriksson, Janne Höltermann, Sabine Hoffmann / Collision Squad, Margret Holz, Stephan Homann, Esther Horn, Fabian Hub, Markus Huemer, Franziska Hünig, Okka Hungerbühler, Hubi W. Jäger, Gunilla Jähnichen, Thomas Jocher, Anne Jungjohann, KP, Sven Kalden, Elena Karakitsou, Heike Kelter, Isabel Kerkermeier, Werner Kernebeck, Julia Kissina, Silke Koch, Karen Koltermann, Anette Kuhn, Susanne Kutter, Erika Krause, Patricia Lambertus, Oliver Lanz, Simone Lanzenstiel, Michael Lapuks, Anett Lau, Alex Lebus, Sabine Linse, Ronny Lischinski, Christine Lohr, Catherine Lorent, Justina Los, Mahony, John Maibohm, Nadja Marcin, Rei Matsushima, Matthias Mayer, Scott McCracken, David Möller, Thomas Monses, Matthias Moravek, Paula Muhr, Leo de Munk, Berit Myrebøe, Mascha Naumova, Joe Neave, Raúl Neddermeyer & Sarah Lüttchen, Enrico Niemann, Fernand Niño-Sánchez, Irina Novarese, Jennifer Oellerich, Nora Olearius, Claudia Olendrowicz, Jürgen O. Olbrich, Ornella Orlandini, Manfred Peckl, Torsten Prothmann, Katja Pudor, Luisa Puschendorf, Kathrin Rabenort, Nika Radić, Maria L. Räihälä, Øyvind Renberg, Pedro Reis de Mendonca, Benjamin Renter, Susanne Ring, Alex Roberts, Römer + Römer, Stefan Römer, Stefan Roigk, Annette Ruenzler, Julia Rüther, Andreas Sachsenmaier, Katrin Salentin, Daniel Sambo-Richter, Michel Santos, Grit Sauerborn, Birgit Schlieps, Sandra Schlipkoeter, Oliver Schmidt, Marco Schmitt, Michael Schultze, Olivia W. Seiling, Tanja Selzer, Kerstin Serz, Soji Shimizu, Frederic Spreckelmeyer, Heiko Sievers, Heidi Sill, Johanna Smiatek, Nicola Staeglich, Anna Staffel, Hans-Peter Stark, Gabriele Stellbaum, Astrid Stricker, Ralf Tekaat, Anja Teske, Miriam Tölke, Peter Torp, Petra Trenkel, Kata Unger, Claudia Virginia Vitari, Anke Völk, Gabriela Volanti, Gabriel Vormstein, Florian Wagner, Yvonne Wahl, Klaus Walter, Christine Weber, Linda Weiss, Bettina Weiß, Julia Werhahn, Anke Westermann, Daniel Wiesenfeld, Claudio Wichert, Markus Willeke, Ila Wingen, Markus Wirthmann, Ina Wudtke, Sibylle Zeh, Ella Ziegler, Elmar Zimmermann, Oliver Zwink

20 Years Kunstverein Tiergarten
1303 artists and 890 other participants

Opening: Friday 13. September, 19.00
14. September - 26.October 2024, Tuesday-Saturday 11-19.00
Kunstverein Tiergarten, Turmstraße 75, 10551 Berlin

Group Show
Initiated and realized by Matthias Mayer und Maik Schierloh
in cooperation with Treptow-Ateliers e.V.
Opening: Friday, 11.11., 17:00-22:00
Saturday, 12.11., 15:00-19:00
Sunday, 13.11., 15:00-19:00
Treptow Ateliers
Wilhelminenhofstr. 83-85
12459 Berlin-Oberschöneweide
Participating artists:
Boris Abel, Deniz Alt, Jakob Argauer, Emilliano Baiocchi, Lisa Ballmann, Gleb Bas, Olaf Bastigkeit, Hannah Becher, Thomas Behling, Niklas Binzberger, Roland Boden, Pedro Boese, Sascha Boldt, Gunnar Borbe, Elisa Jule Braun, Katja Brinkmann, Joanna Buchowska, Johannes Bünemann, Astrid Busch, Michele Caliari, Diego Castro, Sabatino Cersosimo, Chun-Tzu Chang, Ben Cottrell, COUNCIL OF MANY (Alexine Chanel & Mickaël Faure), Till Cremer, DAG, Chiara Dazi, Herbert De Colle, Leo de Munk, Flavio Degen, Mathias Deutsch, Bruno Di Lecce, Frank Diersch, Nataly Dietz, Maurice Doherty, Grigori Dor, Matthias Dornfeld, Thomas Draschan, Ernst F. Drewes, Cécile Dupaquier, Stefan Heinrich Ebner, Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez, Knut Eckstein, fårce RAIK, Wolfgang Flad, Frederik Foert, Sven-Ole Frahm, Daniela Fromberg, Roland Fuhrmann, Frauke Funkhauser, Veronika Gabel, Paul Gallagher, Anne Gathmann, Clemens Geißler, April Gertler, Paris Giachoustidis, Monika Goetz, Kerstin Gottschalk, Julija Goyd, Jürgen Grewe, Mariola Groener, Harriet Groß, Berenice Güttler, Andreas Hachulla, Ann-Kristin Hamm, Michael Hazell, Andreas Helfer, Christian Hellmich, Christian Henkel, Thomas Henriksson, Forster Herchenbach, Matthias Hesselbacher, Hanna Hildebrand, Birgit Hölmer, Alekos Hofstetter, Stephan Homann, Sonja Hornung, Irène Hug, Franziska Hünig, Patrick Jambon, Maarten Janssen, Heehyun Jeong, Thomas Jocher, Elena Karakitsou, Heiko Karn, Stephanie Keitz, Stephanie Kloss, Silke Koch, Sebastian Körbs, Erika Krause, Matthias Krause Hamrin, Pantea Lachin, Patricia Lambertus, Davide Lantermoz, Oliver Lanz, Laurie Georgopoulos, Daniela Lehmann Carrasco, Ronny Lischinski, Sabine Linse, Ingeborg Lockemann & Elke Mohr, Adrian Lohmüller, Christine Lohr, Antonia Low, Mahony, Ioannis Malegianniakis, Angela Mathis, Rei Matsushima, Matthias Mayer, David Möller, Thomas Monses, Valère Mougeot, Paula Muhr, Timo Nasseri, Mascha Naumova, Enrico Niemann, Fernando Niño-Sánchez, Irina Novarese, Lorcan O'Byrne, Felix Oehmann, Claudia Olendrowicz, Olivia Ines Orsolini, Jurgen Ostarhild, Lydia Paasche, Kirsten Palz, Manfred Peckl, Matteo Peterlini, Pfelder, Katja Pudor, Nika Radić & Georg Spehr, Pedro Reis de Mendonca, Øyvind Renberg, Benjamin Renter, Marie Rief, Yvonne Roeb, Römer + Römer, Stefan Roigk, Annette Ruenzler, Daniel Sambo-Richter, Michel Santos, Özlem Sarıyıldız, Christina Sarli, Damien Sayer, Felicia Scheuerecker, Maik Schierloh, Sandra Schlipköter, Oliver Schmidt, Michael Schultze, Richard Schütz, Eva Schwab, Olivia W. Seiling, Semra Sevin, Chiemi Shimada, Soji Shimizu, Liudmila Siewerski, Heidi Sill, Johanna Smiatek, Erik Smith, Sean Smuda, Elisabeth Sonneck, Frederic Spreckelmeyer, Charlie Stein, Gabriele Stellbaum, Tommy Støckel, Moritz Stumm, Katharina Sucker, Miriam Tölke, Emanuele Torti, Marcus Trägner, Petra Trenkel, Chryssa Tsampazi, Jens Ullrich, Kata Unger, V Stylianidou aka Franck-Lee Alli-Tis, James Verhille, Claudia Virginia Vitari, Anke Völk, Andrea van Reimersdahl, Wolf von Kries, Stefanie von Schroeter, Yvonne Wahl, Christine Weber, Linda Weiss, Tilman Wendland, Claudio Wichert, Daniel Wiesenfeld, Barbara Wille, Markus Willeke, Anne Wodtcke, Ina Wudtke, Bora Yediel, Vittorio Zambardi, Simone Zaugg, Ella Ziegler, Michaela Zimmer, Elmar Zimmermann, Christof Zwiener, Oliver Zwink
Anyone who has moved to Berlin in recent decades has played a part in the development of this city. For some, it conveyed an atmosphere of departure (or even "dependency") in an alternative and avant-garde sense; for others, it was merely a projection surface for profane economic interests pushed by global market events. There was never a vision for all. Politicians were merely trying to pick the pearls out of many alternative ideas. For example, the nightlife and the precarious life of artists were included in the marketing of Berlin. This blind vision is now reflected in a place of action. An unrenovated former industrially used hall and other rooms formerly used as offices, which were made available to the artists' community "Treptow-Ateliers" together with their cheaply rented temporary studios as a temporary playground by an investor. The community itself opened the space for third-party projects. The rawness of the historic site, the desire and spontaneity of the alternative users inevitably lead back to the aura of Berlin in the 1980s and 1990s. And of course Berlin still works like that. But the atmosphere is deceptive, the awakening already sits in the neck, like a drug that slowly loses its effect. Because it all ends, and without romanticism. The artists soon have to go back to their nomadic way. Only that they are not nomadic, but originally displaced from their cherished place of work. Their journey is already unique, because they stick together in solidarity in their seemingly hopeless situation. What could become, what could be? Why is it a blind vision?

Instagram: @blind_vision_berlin
Greenhouse - Metamorphoses of Order
Sabine Linse
Mariel Poppe
Fernando Niño-Sánchez

Exhibition in the Small Orangery at Charlottenburg Palace
Spandauer Damm 22
14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg
Tue to Sun | 12 - 18 h
free admission
July 15 until August 28, 2022
Opening on Thursday, July 14, 2022, 6 p.m.
Welcoming Speech
Heike Schmitt-Schmelz | District City Councilor
Elke von der Lieth | Department of Culture
Verena Voigt I Society for Contemporary Concepts e.V.
The title "Greenhouse" picks up on what the exhibition venue, the Orangerie is original:
a greenhouse. Here, in the small Orangerie at Charlottenburg Palace, it is primarily a place for overwintering. A greenhouse is also a place of cultivation and controlled growth, of cultivated and optimized nature.
The artists are fascinated by the greenhouse as a kind of in-between world with its own conditions in the interplay between nature and culture. Instead of plants, their works now thrive in the greenhouse. Unusual constellations and encounters occur. Organisms mutate and new variants emerge.

... images of the exhibition:

10. 09. - 15. 10. 2021
Marion Angulanza, Gabriele Basch, Susanne Bürner, Hannes Egger, Joachim Grommek, Franziska Hünig, So-Yeun Lee, Karen Linnenkohl, Sabine Linse/Alexander Laudenberg, Mélodie Melak, random guy from Australia, happy to stay anonymous/uncontributed, Patricia Sandonis, Uli Westphal
La Raum
Freienwalder Strasse 18
13359 Berlin
opening hours: Thu: 6 - 8 pm / Sun: 4 - 6 pm /or by appointment

17.07. - 25.07.2021
Sabine Linse
Pavillon am Milchhof
Schwedter Strasse 232
10435 Berlin
Opening: Friday, 16.07.2021, 19.00
Opening hours:
Saturday, 17.07. and Sunday, 18.07.2021, 14.00 - 17.00
Saturday, 24.07. and Sunday, 25.07.2021, 14.00 - 17.00



Sandra Contreras, Anette Kuhn, Sabine Linse, Mariel Poppe, Héctor Velázquez
and María Tello
16. October – 6. December 2020
The exhibition ABOUT ORDER by artists Sandra Contreras, Anette Kuhn, Sabine Linse,
Mariel Poppe, Héctor Velázquez Guitérrez and María Tello adopts fragments of the storyline
of Maltese cultural history and their dynamics.
Since 1991, the Berlin Artist Group has exhibited their artistic work together in various spaces.
Their collaborations are characterized by common reflections of philosophical topics, artistic
materials and different modes of production. ABOUT ORDER develops previously unknown
relationships and intercultural points of contact between them. Through these interactions,
a mysterious Palimpsest has arisen, comparable to a precious book with enigmatic overwritings.
Visitors of the exhibition will be delighted by the presence of beauty and the material quality of
the individual works of art.
Sandra Contreras, Anette Kuhn, Sabine Linse, Mariel Poppe, Héctor Velázquez Guiterréz
and María Tello.
Verena Voigt

Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe, German-Maltese Circle, Valletta
and Frank-Basten-Stiftung, Leipzig.

"PEACE - dont make me laugh
// You A Two Minute Brother"
Friday, 29.11.2019, 19:00
Boris Abel, Michelle Alperin, Mario Asef, Matthias Bade, Jürgen Baumann, Thomas Behling, Jennifer Bennett, Hannes Berwing, Roland Boden, Manuel Bonik, Gunnar Borbe, Johannes Bünemann, Matthew Burbidge, Sonja Burbidge, Astrid Busch, Saskia Breitenreicher, Daniel Chluba, Kyung-hwa Choi-ahoi, Chris Costan, Annedore Dietze, Meike Dölp, Knut Eckstein, Irena Eden & Stijn Lernout, Niki Elbe, Christel Fetzer, Sven-Ole Frahm, Tom Früchtl, Heike Gallmeier, Anne Gathmann, anna onno gatjal, Ingo Gerken, Monika Goetz, Kim Dotty Hachmann, Stephan Homann, Irène Hug, Henrik Jacob, Hubi W. Jäger, Thomas Jocher, Uwe Jonas, Sven Kalden, Werner Kernebeck, Silke Koch, Karen Koltermann, Karsten Korn, Simone Lanzenstiel, Michael Lapuks, Niina Lehtonen Braun, Sabine Linse, Ingeborg Lockemann & Elke Mohr, Michael Luther, Mahony, Matthias Mayer, Paula Muhr, Leo de Munk, Berit Myreboee, Richard Neal, Joe Neave, Kirsten Palz, Kathrin Rabenort, Nika Radic, Maria-Leena Räihälä, Monika Rechsteiner, Benjamin Renter, Cornelia Renz, Regine Rode, Julia Rüther, Andreas Sachsenmaier, Katrin Salentin, Jochen Schneider, Iris Schomaker, Ann Schomburg, Olivia W. Seiling, Sandra Setzkorn & Emma Grün, Heidi Sill, Johanna Smiatek, Erik Smith, Sean Smuda, Elisabeth Sonneck, Gabriele Stellbaum, Stoll & Wachall, Max Sudhues, Alex Tennigkeit, Anja Teske, Thea Timm, Julian Villaret, Gabriele Volanti, Anke Völk, Linda Weiss, Bettina Weiß, Anke Westermann, Claudio Wichert, Markus Wirthmann, Sibylle Zeh, Gloria Zein, Ella Ziegler, Christof Zwiener
Since 2005, quotations from past decades (mostly from the 1980s) have been the titles of the annual One Night Group shows at Spor Klübü. This year there are two quotes available to which the invited artists can refer: "PEACE - dont make me laugh" and "You A Two Minute Brother". Both have their origins in the early 1990s and come from the Afro-American hip-hop and rap scene. "PEACE - dont make me laugh" is the opening line of the song "Endangered Species (Tales From The Darkside)" from Ice Cube's 1990 album "AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted". The song is directed against a racist America marked by police violence. The lyrics and music of BWP a.k.a. Bytches With Problems are also located in the same context - with the difference that they come from a feminist point of view and powerfully clear up the male (rapper) patriarchy. The quote "You A Two Minute Brother" comes from the song "Two Minute Brother" from BWP's first and only (published) album "The Bytches".
"PEACE - dont make me laugh" - if you transfer this saying into current political events, you couldn't put it better. Now that "fake or false talk" has established itself more than ever on the political level, warlike intentions and violations of international law are now being declared peace missions. There is no need to name the people involved, because their style is - as they are - not only known, but also no longer generates fright or a collective international outcry. "You A Two Minute Brother. Only a few female hip-hop musicians have managed to equal their male counterparts in terms of crude lyrics with contemptuous expressions against the opposite sex. The "Bytches" did exactly that and embodied justice, even if they did it in the same devastating way. In "Two Minute Brother" they make a notch in the macho behaviour and hit the (given) masculinity in a sensitive place - during sex.

Freienwalder Str. 31
13359 Berlin
Tel.: 0179-8593744
U8 Pankstr./S Bornholmerstr.

Deep Surface
Karen Linnenkohl / Sabine Linse / Richard Schütz
EXHIBITION: 08.12.2018 - 05.01.2019
Opening hours: Thu – Fri: 3 pm – 7 pm, Sa: 2 pm - 6 pm
Deep Surface adopts the year's theme: 'The Appearance of Things' by delving into the continuing issue of daily confusion: To what extent can we trust our perception?Does it not inevitably cling to the surface? Do increasingly precise observations and ever more exact investigation methods not lead to a fathoming of ever finer folds of a nevertheless opaque surface? Which - by the way - raises the question: is there at all something which lies beneath, or is it just an increasingly deeper folding of the surface?
What do we really percieve of this surface? What do we select, what do we add by interpretation? How much more what we consider to be perception is shaped by our expectations, so that is it much more the reflection of our imaginations than an unobstructed reception of the percieved?
Deep surface does not offer any answers to these questions, but picks up on the already existing confusion and invites you to engage further. The works of Karen Linnenkohl, Sabine Linse and Richard Schütz each engage enticingly and differently with the abysses, confusions and imaginations that appear as soon as we receive sensory impressions .
Scotty e.V.
Projektraum für zeitgenössische Kunst und experimentelle Medien
Oranienstrasse 46
10969 Berlin


Das gekaute Objekt
Sandra Contreras | Anette Kuhn | Sabine Linse | Mariel Poppe | Maria Tello | Héctor Velázquez
Eröffnung: Freitag der 30. November 2018 um 18:00 Uhr
Einführung: Cathérine Kuebel, Kuratorin der Ausstellung
Ausstellung vom 1. Dezember 2018 bis 27. Januar 2019
Mo–So 10 – 20 Uhr
Galerie im Saalbau (Neukölln)
Karl-Marx-Straße 141, 12043 Berlin


Freitag, 30.11.2018, 19.00 Uhr
Boris Abel, Sonja Alhäuser, Mika Andersen, Robert Barta, Matthias Beckmann, Thomas Behling, Hannes Berwing, Antje Blumenstein, Pedro Boese, Gunnar Borbe, Saskia Breitenreicher, Johannes Bünemann, Matthew Burbidge, Astrid Busch, Alexander Callsen, Till Cremer, Rolf Czulius, Nataly Dietz, Knut Eckstein, Irena Eden & Stijn Lernout, Niki Elbe, Frederik Foert, Monika Goetz, Massoud Graf-Hachempour, Ben Greber, Thomas Grötz, Lise Harlev, Alekos Hofstetter, Stephan Homann , Birgit Hölmer, Sonja Hornung, Irène Hug, Hubi W. Jäger, Jakob Jensen, Thomas Jocher, Uwe Jonas, Klaus Jörres, Sven Kalden, Silke Koch, Karen Koltermann, Karsten Korn, Simone Lanzenstiel, Julia Lazarus, Lichtstrahl & Bleiche, Simon Lindhardt, Sabine Linse, Ingeborg Lockemann und Elke Mohr, Christine Lohr, Frank Maier, Gerhard Mantz, Matthias Mayer, Stefanie Mayer, Wolfgang Mayer, Ulrike Mohr, Peter Müller, Paula Muhr, Leo de Munk, Berit Myrebøe, Kirsten Palz, Manfred Peckl, Kathrin Rabenort, Thomas & Renée Rapedius, Maria-Leena Räihälä, Benjamin Renter, Cornelia Renz, Jiannis Savvidis, Katalin Schaak, Olivia W. Seiling, Johanna Smiatek, Erik Smith, Elisabeth Sonneck, Anne Staszkiewicz, Gabriele Stellbaum, Vassiliea Stylianidou mit Justice for Zak / Zackie Block Berlin (queer activists from greece and Soli Tsoli group), Stoll & Wachall, Max Sudhues, Anja Teske, Peter Torp, Chryssa Tsampazi, Micki Tschur, Kata Unger, Julien Villaret, Gabiela Volanti, Anke Völk, Florian Wagner, Christine Weber, Linda Weiss, Anke Westermann, Barbara Wille, Markus Wirthmann, Michaela Zimmer, Christof Zwiener
Spor Klübü
Freienwalder Str. 31
13359 Berlin
Tel.: 0179-8593744
U8 Pankstr./S Bornholmerstr.